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Demonstrate your community support. Partner with Griffin Hospital

Griffin Hospital works with corporate, foundation and philanthropic partners to secure financial and programmatic assistance to enhance our Hospital mission and give our local community the patient care services and outreach programs it deserves.

Contact us to discuss developing a partnership with Griffin Hospital, or learn more about the corporate partner program below.

Corporate Partner Sponsorship Program

Griffin Hospital’s Corporate Partner Sponsorship program offers corporations the opportunity to demonstrate their community support and help Griffin enhance its mission through a comprehensive sponsorship program.

The Partner Sponsorship package offers companies participation in and recognition at all of Griffin’s fundraising events, including Griffin Golf ClassicGriffin Gala, and our community events such as our annual donor recognition event and Holiday Concert.

These events provide companies with opportunities for networking, client entertainment options, and an unprecedented amount of visibility throughout the year.

For additional information on how you can develop a mutually beneficial relationship with Griffin Hospital, contact:

Kristy Jelenik
Executive Director, Griffin Health Development Fund